Sunday, March 20, 2016

Time to lose 50 to 60 pounds

Today is Sunday, March 20, 2016 and I weigh .... too much — 196 pounds, according to my scale with the NEW battery. When I moved to Virginia from Colorado in 2007/2008 I weighed 273. That's a 77 pound weight loss in nine years. At least it's going down, not up!

I still have another 60-70 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight of 125, although my doctor would be thrilled to see me at 150. We'll see. Tomorrow the healthy eating begins in earnest. Just went to the store and loaded up on a week's worth of fish, salad, soups, veggies and fruit. I want to drop at least 20 pounds before my sailing class. (the green smudge on my left middle toe is where I broke my toe last week.) So, joining the gym today too. I'll keep you updated. And once I get my video camera, I'll post videos too. Funny how a decision to go on an adventure changes EVERYTHING.

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