Monday, April 18, 2016

Do it Now

"If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever." 
~ Thomas Aquinas

I think the pneumonia is, for the most part, gone. I'm not 100%, but feeling better. That's another reason I'm so committed to doing this. None of us knows when something like pneumonia, or cancer, or an accident will happen and shut down our future. Whatever it is you want to do, do it now.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


"Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed in the things you DIDN'T DO rather than in the things you DID."

One of the most painful parts of this journey has been coming to terms with the regrets I have for my own life/journey. And, like the quote says, my regrets are for NOT doing the things I'm thinking about doing now. I wish I had learned to sail 30 years ago when I had the chance. I wish I had learned to manage money better. I wish I'd thought about what I wanted in life rather than just crashing blindly through one thing after another. I had a great life, but it might have been a lot better if I'd been more focused and organized. I might have been better prepared to take on this challenge.

That's not to say I'm sitting around throwing a pity party for one. I'm not. I've hired people to teach me what I want to know. I'm learning the things I put off and I'm acting on things NOW. It's never too late to do most of what you want to do. The longer you put it off, the harder it gets. This journey is about regrets - and about making sure you THINK about what the regrets in your life are so you can take action now. Regrets are so uniquely painful....don't die with regrets. Just don't.

Friday, April 8, 2016

What's it Gonna Cost?

I subscribe to The Real Wayne's World Youtube channel. Wayne talks about how to find good cheap boats, what things cost, and how to make things like MY journey affordable. He's talking about the cost of buying a boat, insuring it, putting it in a slip, seasonal costs, cost of maintaining it and so on. Worth watching!

I'll be posting videos here myself as soon as I buy my video camera. I DID buy a GoPro4 Black, but need the editing software, audio input and some other I need to LEARN to use the darn thing. You need a freaking magnifying glass to read the tiny, tiny, tiny screen and with my old eyes, it's been a challenge. But, enjoy Wayne....

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I'm still here!

What has me standing on a stage got to do with sailing? A lot. I was selected as one of ten people out of 40 applicants to pitch my business idea, The Virginia Entrepreneur, at TomTom Fest. It's a pretty big deal. The winner gets $5,000 and an office at the iLab at the Darden Business School at the University of Virginia. It means the winner also becomes part of their accelerated incubator project and spends 40 hours a week at the iLab working on their business. Lots of advantages there for me if I win. The big deal is I get to pitch my business to the community here. Prayers, crossed fingers and positive thoughts welcomed! The competition is April 13, 2016 - next Wednesday, so I'll keep you posted. It's a fantastic opportunity, win or lose, but I hope I win, or if I lose I hope it's to my friend David Durovy at the Post Institute.